Thursday, January 22, 2015

Staple emergency

Just buy a new stapler. It'll be okay, and far less boring for the rest of us.

My husband and I love our vintage mini-staplers: the Swingline Tot 50.  They 
have a red plastic tops and were made to fit in a pocket.  Apparently, the 
staples themselves (I'm not looking for the stapler) are very hard to find 
since Swingline has discontinued the model.  Amazon has them, but the price 
plus shipping is steep.  Anybody know of another source?  Staples said they 
had them, but when I looked up the style number the salesperson told me I 
needed, it was clearly not for a Tot 50.  I just spoke to Office Max, and 
they don't have them.  Balich's does not have them.


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